Two women on stage, singing. One is in profile and the other has her back to the camera

Elfin Bow album launch: live music at the Epstein Theatre

On 18 March, I was lucky enough to photograph the album launch performance of Elfin Bow’s self-titled debut album at the Epstein Theatre in Liverpool.

It was a splendid show.

The night started off with storyteller Alice Fernbank, relating the wonderful old Welsh folktale The Leaves that Hung but Never Grew.

A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience
A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience
A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience
A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience
A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience
A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience A woman on a stage dressed up as an old woman, talking to the audience


Following on from that was Harp and Guitar duo Bryony Elizabeth and Jonny Darnell performing some beautiful folk music, with Jonny on the guitar and Bryony on the harp (one of my favourite instruments).

A man and woman on stage, seen from behind. The woman's looking at the man, who's playing a guitar. They have spotlights shining down on the them. There are a few members of the audience just visible A man and woman on stage, seen from behind. The woman's looking at the man, who's playing a guitar. They have spotlights shining down on the them. There are a few members of the audience just visible
A man and woman on stage. The man is playing a guitar and the woman is smiling at the man A man and woman on stage. The man is playing a guitar and the woman is smiling at the man
A man on stage playing a guitar and singing into a microphone A man on stage playing a guitar and singing into a microphone
A woman on stage sitting on a stool, singing A woman on stage sitting on a stool, singing
A man and woman on stage. The man is playing a guitar and the woman is singing A man and woman on stage. The man is playing a guitar and the woman is singing
A man playing a guitar and singing into a microphone A man playing a guitar and singing into a microphone
A woman on stage playing a medium-sized harp A woman on stage playing a medium-sized harp


Finally, was the woman of the night, accompanied by a most wonderful collection of musicians.


Elfin Bow is a master storyteller with her music, and the night was great fun to photograph: beautiful songs, gorgeous colours and costumes, talented musicians and all against the backdrop of the amazing, vintage Epstein Theatre.

If you want to listen to Elfin Bow’s music, the album’s on Spotify or you can find out more about it on Elfin Bow’s website.

If a couple of the faces here seem familiar, I photographed Elfin Bow and Skeet Williams (on the banjo here) as part of the Gary Edward Jones photo shoot back in September. It’s great when people come back to you for more photography; it feels like reconnecting with old friends.

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