A boy sitting on top of a rocky outcrop, sitting side on to the camera. In the distance a wind farm can be seen out at sea

A New Year’s Day walk on West Kirby beach

New Year’s Day can be a bit of a non-day for many. For those who aren’t sleeping off a long night or nursing a severe hangover, going out for a walk somewhere can be a great way to blow away the cobwebs and pass some time.

As we were staying at a friend’s house over on the Wirral this New Year, we decided to go for a walk at Red Rocks on West Kirby beach.

Like much of the coast around the region, the beach is flat, sandy and has a large tidal range. West Kirby Beach looks out at the north coast of Wales and Hilbre Island. This stretch of beach has some amazing rocks which are great fun for the children to clamber around on.

The beach also has some marshland which is part of a coastal reserve and popular with birdwatchers and nature buffs.

It was a cold day – only a few degrees above freezing – and the wind was icy cold. But, nothing more than you’d expect for a beach in midwinter this far north. On the upside, it was sunny, with some amazingly dramatic clouds in the sky.

Photographically speaking, it was a wonderful place to take a camera. There are so many textures and layers, in the sky, the rocks, the sand, the marshland, and plenty of walkers out to add that human touch, too. I’ve processed all the photos in monochrome to really bring these textures and layers to the fore. I hope you enjoy them.

Looking across a sandy beach towards the sea. The North Wales coast is visible across the sea and the sky has dramatic clouds. There are two girls walking on to the beach

A closeup of a part of a low, rusty fence, showing the flaking and layers in the rust

Looking along a low, wide section of rock towards a group of people in coats and hats, including a pushchair.

Looking across the sandy beach. In the bottom right corner is a girl in Wellington boots splashing in a puddle. On the left are two people sitting on a rock. A spaniel is running on the beach

A girl in a coat with the hood walking along the top of a grassy sand dune. The grass is long and she is only visible from waist up

An area of wetland at the top of the beach. There are long grasses with seeding heads and standing water. An island is visible in the distance across the sea.

A girl wrapped up in coat, hood and scarf, standing at the top of a set of steps leading up to the top of the sand dunes

A closeup of one of the rocks, showing the layering and gritty texture of the surface

A boy sitting on top of a rocky outcrop, sitting side on to the camera. In the distance a wind farm can be seen out at sea

Looking across the expanse of sand towards the sea. The kite surfer is in the distance, walking away from their kite.

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