panasonic lumix gf6

A bright spray of fireworks

Guy Fawkes Night 2015

  November the 5th in the UK is Guy Fawkes night; the night we celebrate the foiling of the infamous Gunpowder Plot.   What was the Gunpowder Plot? Briefly put, Guy Fawkes, a Catholic, was a member of a group plotting to assassinate the Protestant King James I. He was caught setting up 36 barrels…

Looking through the Marsh Lane Time Tunnel, with trees overhanging and people walking through

Marsh Lane Time Tunnel

  Hiding underneath Bootle New Strand station in Merseyside, connecting the New Strand shopping area with a large Asda supermarket is Marsh Lane Time Tunnel. The pedestrianised tunnel is covered with a painted mural throughout, containing a historical timeline of the local area, including the building of the local railway in the 19th century and the effects…